jewelled rimless glasses


FABY # 3

Bridal shape

Faby were our first custom-made wedding glasses of the Leggerissimi line, they are sweet and the delicate shapes that will win you over!
Suitable for:
Faby is a very transversal form, enhancing both elongated faces and also round and squarefaces. Suitable for all sight defects, even moderate and severe. The set of lateral facets is perfect for myopia lenses, the diamond-cut facet reduces the thickness of the hyperopia lenses

How to customise:
The decoration can be reduced or done only on one lens. Crystal-black studs paired with a black frame is a very nice pairing or with red tones or teal with a silver frame. Remember that light colours are, contrary to what you would think, the most visible, while the darker the colours, the more they are less so.

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